Increase Traffic For Your Legal Firm

Increase Traffic For Your Legal Firm

4 Tactics a Legal Marketing Team Can Do to Increase Traffic for Your Firm

Attracting new clients is one of the top goals for law firms. There are many marketing strategies to choose from, and new ones are constantly emerging.

Digital marketing is more critical today than ever. In 2019, 28% of American adults said they are online almost constantly.

Using A Legal Marketing Team

Reaching clients through the internet isn’t as simple as just having a website. You’ll need to use social media and SEO optimization, among other techniques, to stand out from competitors.

A legal marketing team can do the marketing work, which allows you to focus on working with your clients.

Below are four ways that Green Cardigan Marketing, an experienced online marketing team for lawyers, can increase traffic and attract more clients to you.

1. Website Design

Your website is not just a way for clients to find your opening times and your biography. It’s a way for you to create an image for your firm that shows your clients exactly what makes you unique and different from competitors.

An experienced online marketing firm can design a website that reflects your firm’s values. They can also include search engine optimized (SEO) content that drives traffic, like blog posts that focus on your area of expertise.

2. Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Search Engine Optimization is a strategy to improve your website’s visibility in a web search.

Green Cardigan Marketing has specialized in SEO strategies for law firms. In addition to keyword research and a custom content strategy based on your firm, Green Cardigan Marketing will optimize your entire website.

A buggy website turns clients off. An online marketing firm that provides troubleshooting is essential for your web presence.

3. Social Media

Social media is a massive part of a successful digital marketing strategy, and if used well, can substantially increase client traffic.

If you don’t already have a social media presence, Green Cardigan Marketing can create one for you that maintains your image across all platforms. They can also improve any current social media accounts, and make sure you’re engaging with as many potential clients as possible.

4. Email Marketing

Email newsletters are another way to connect digitally with your clients. An online marketing firm can ensure your newsletters project the correct image and are consistent with your brand.

By staying in contact with your clients monthly, you can keep them informed and engaged with your firm, and they will be more likely to come back or recommend you to family and friends.

Get A Free Marketing Review Today!

Contact Green Cardigan Marketing for a free marketing review to see what we can do to help your firm grow!