Geo-Tagging your marketing strategy helps you narrow down your target audience. By including a location in your posts and websites, you can snag the attention of a specific group.

What is Geo-Tagging?

You can geo-tag your blog posts, website, social media posts, and images by using the name of a specific location or including meta location information.

For example, if you’re opening a new location, use geo-tagging to alert customers in your city and let old customers know you’ve moved.

Why is Location Important?

Most independent businesses serve a specific area. To attract local customers, you need to target them with your advertising.

You want as many local customers to find you. By including a location in your posts, customers in your target area will find your ad faster.

Geo-Targeting Service with Google

In addition to including a location in your blog posts and tagging social media, you can also direct google ads to target a specific location. Google allows you to target areas of different sizes, from whole states to particular zip codes.

Geo-Tagging isn’t only for businesses located in low footfall areas. You can use the geo-targeting service with Google Ads to expand your customer base, keep current customers interested, or attract customers to a new location.

Beacon Technology

Firms can also use location to find customers through their mobile phones. In 2019, the Pew Research Center reported that 81% of Americans own smartphones. Using beacon technology, companies can ping customers with ads when they are near an office.

Beacon Technology can also help you track customer movements. By comparing ads with how long after receiving a push notification a customer enters your office, you can ensure your marketing campaign is working. If it’s not, you can use the analysis to improve.


Geo-Tagging can also be used to pinpoint the best target location for your marketing strategy. Either by conducting research, or requesting a free marketing review from an experienced marketing company, you can learn more about what potential customers post online.

Most images posted today have a geo-marker, making it possible to track potential customers’ movements through their postings. Using an analysis of the geo-data, you can determine which areas are best for you to target.

Use a Marketing Agency

A marketing agency can design your marketing strategy to be as effective as possible. Green Cardigan Marketing specializes in results-driven marketing strategy for lawyers. To help your firm grow, contact us for a free marketing review.