search engine optimization for law firms

How To Use Law-Specific SEO to Grow Your Client Base

3 Easy SEO Tips to Drive More Traffic to Your Site

One of the simplest ways to drive more clients to your website is by using law-specific SEO to appear higher on Google, Bing, and other search engine rankings. According to a 2015 survey, 96% of people seeking legal advice use a search engine, and 62% do so with a generic search query (i.e. “divorce lawyer Colorado”). Here are 3 easy tips to boost your law practice’s client base using SEO:

1. Identify your keywords

Keywords are what help search engines determine what type of content exists on your site. Search engines like Google will regularly scan your site for any content changes and will shift your position on their search engine result pages (SERPs) accordingly.

To pick good keywords, think about what your ideal clients might search for when looking for your practice. For example, if you are a personal injury lawyer based in Phoenix, your keyword might be: personal injury lawyer in Phoenix.

Also important are long-tail keywords, or keywords that are more specific to your niche. Say you are also fluent in Spanish. Your long-tail keyword could be: Spanish-speaking personal injury lawyer in Phoenix.

To be most effective, each page and post should have its own dedicated longtail keyword. This will help your site show across a wider range of searches and tell Google you’re creating specific, high-quality content.

2.Expand your site-map

Another relatively quick way to boost your law practice website’s SEO is to expand your site map, or the number of pages and funnels in your site.

Say your home page has an “About Us” section. Rather than put all your content in that section, write a short blurb and include a button to an About Us page that has your full content. Now, you can pick keywords and long-tail keywords for both your home and about pages, giving you a new opportunity to appear on the front page of SERPs.

It’s important while doing this to make sure you’re creating new pages only if you have the content to support it. Your ranking may be hurt if you have too many pages with too little content on each page, or have content that is overly repetitive. It’s crucial to balance quality and quantity.

3. Include Compelling Calls to Action (CTAs)

While this is technically not an SEO strategy, strategic calls to action is one of the most effective ways to capture and convert your new visitors to client leads. A call to action, or CTA, can be anything from an area to sign up for a newsletter, to an email contact form, to a call us now button — it’s anything that prompts the visitor to take an action on your site.

Having strategic and compelling calls to action are key to converting the visitors your new law-specific SEO strategy will be driving to your website. The most successful CTAs offer something in exchange for a visitor’s engagement, like a free consultation. Offering a small service or time in exchange for a visitor’s engagement will give your law firm website’s call to action value, and increase client conversion.

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