Why Should Your Law Firm Track Phone Calls?

Remember the good old days when making a phone call was the norm? It seems like in today’s digital age, almost everything is done online – from booking flights to ordering food. Yet, if you cast your mind back, you’ll recall picking up the phone to confirm a hotel reservation, call a plumber to fix that stubborn leak, or schedule a dentist appointment. Phone calls are still a powerful tool in the business world and especially in the legal realm.

In this era of clicks and swipes, calls might appear outdated, but they are far from obsolete. Think about it: someone in need of legal assistance might dial your number with questions about their case or to inquire about your services. Legal issues usually weigh on someone’s mind more than a hotel reservation, so they might be more comfortable making that call than leaving a message. Of course, at the end of the day you need to present your potential clients with as many options as possible (calling, messages, contact forms on site, in-person appointments, etc).

The question is, are you ready to seize these opportunities? Are you tracking those calls? Because if you’re not, you might be letting precious leads slip through your fingers.

The Power of Calls in the Legal Industry

Navigating the legal realm is no walk in the park. It’s a domain where competition thrives, where every click on the search results page carries a weighty cost, and each incoming phone call holds immense value.

Part of a successful marketing strategy should include tracking calls. Finding your customer base, creating your marketing plan, and bringing traffic to your website is what your digital marketing strategy is all about. But what happens when those new users give you a call? Each ringing phone could open the door to a new client, setting the stage for substantial gains for your law firm.

Statistics paint a compelling picture. According to recent surveys, over 60% of people prefer to contact local businesses by phone. 43% of conversions sparked by online searches happen over phone calls, and a whopping 65% of businesses still view phone calls as their most valuable, highest-quality source of leads. Now, imagine the potential this holds for your law firm. Prospective clients seeking legal guidance are likely to make that direct call instead of filling out forms on your website. These calls can be gold mines of information – an opportunity for you to exhibit your expertise and establish trust.

Cracking the Code: What is Call Tracking?

Call tracking is a smart system that assigns unique phone numbers to different marketing channels. This lets you trace the source of each call. Whether it’s that billboard downtown, the Google or Social Ad, or your website; call tracking unveils which avenue your leads are being generated from.

Call tracking also provides a comprehensive snapshot of every customer conversation. Each call record comes loaded with crucial tracking details – the dialed phone numbers, the associated campaign, and the call’s duration and a recording of the actual call! Additionally, the caller’s geographical location is neatly mapped out within each call entry. This treasure trove of data equips you with valuable insights to refine your marketing and customer service communication strategies.

Why Should You Be Tracking Calls?

7 Compelling Reasons

  1. Optimize Marketing Campaigns: Call tracking empowers you to pinpoint the campaigns or channels that generate the most calls. This data helps you allocate resources more effectively and fine-tune your marketing strategies for maximum impact.
  2. Enhance Team Performance: By listening to call recordings and analyzing call logs, you can gauge the performance of your team. This insight enables you to identify strengths, areas that need improvement, and provide targeted training.
  3. Address Missed Opportunities: Tracking calls helps you uncover missed calls and ensures that no lead goes unattended. By being aware of these missed interactions, you can promptly return calls and convert potential clients.
  4. Map the Customer Journey: Understanding the sequence of interactions that lead to a call is invaluable. This insight gives you a clear picture of the customer journey, allowing you to align your marketing efforts with the exact points where potential clients decide to engage.
  5. Boost Efficiency during Peak Hours: Call tracking reveals the hours when call volumes surge. Armed with this knowledge, you can allocate resources accordingly to provide a seamless customer experience even during high-demand periods.
  6. Localize Your Firm: For law firms with multiple locations, call tracking lets you attribute incoming calls to specific branches. This localization enhances customer service and aids in focusing marketing efforts based on geographic preferences and needs.
  7. Gather Constructive Feedback: Analyzing call recordings can provide valuable insights into clients’ expectations, preferences, and pain points. This information aids in refining your services and tailoring your marketing messages to address clients’ specific needs.

Every call holds a wealth of information that can shape your law firm’s strategies, enhance customer experiences, and ultimately drive growth. With call tracking, you’re not just answering phone calls – you’re unlocking a treasure trove of business intelligence.

The Do’s and Don’ts of Tracking Calls


  • Choose the Right Software: Not all call-tracking software is created equal. Opt for a solution that integrates seamlessly with your existing tools and provides real-time data (and voice recording if possible).
  • Train Your Team: Call tracking is not just for marketers; it’s for your internal intake and sales team.
  • Link to CRM: Integrating call tracking with your Customer Relationship Management system (CRM) or Case Management Software ensures no lead falls through the cracks.


  • Use Different Numbers: Avoid using different numbers haphazardly across marketing efforts. Opt for dynamic number insertion, a feature that assigns each caller a unique trackable number while using the same phone number in all of your listings. This maintains consistency and accuracy in tracking, regardless of the traffic source.
  • Count Calls as Conversions: While counting calls is essential, be cautious about classifying all calls as conversions. Make a distinction between inquiries and genuine conversions to ensure accurate performance assessment.
  • Neglect Privacy: Privacy matters. Ensure your call-tracking practices comply with legal regulations.
  • Forget Call Quality: Tracking calls is about more than just quantity. Make sure the calls are handled professionally and effectively.

Align Your Marketing Efforts with Vital Call Tracking Information

Calls aren’t a thing of the past; they’re a bridge between you and potential clients. The legal industry thrives on trust and connections. Don’t let those crucial connections fade away in the static of missed calls. With call tracking, you’re not just answering a phone; you’re opening the door to a world of opportunities.

At Green Cardigan Marketing, we’re your partners in mastering the art and science of digital marketing. Our expertise in search engine marketing for law firms goes beyond the digital world. We understand the value of a voice on the other end of the line. By harnessing call tracking, we can help you align your marketing efforts with the right channels and targets, and elevate your law firm’s game. You can be assured of accurate data, strategic insights, and the satisfaction of not missing a single lead.

Let’s not wait for that ringing phone to be the sound of missed opportunities. If you’re considering online marketing for your law firm, reach out to Green Cardigan Marketing today and unlock the true potential of call tracking for your law firm. Your next client might just be a phone call away.