Google Business Reviews can be the SEO game changer your law firm needs!

One of the key elements of any online marketing campaign (especially for local businesses like law firms) is the optimization of a Google Business Profile (formerly known as Google My Business). Any and all law firms, no matter the size, should be optimizing their Google Business Profile. 

Online optimization, or SEO, involves researching and planning what content will go online with your name or firm’s brand on it. Getting to the first spot in a Google search for something like “Divorce Lawyer near me” is the goal of course, however many factors can and will affect this ranking opportunity. This coveted spot of being on the first page of a Google search results is what we are all after, right? After all, the higher the ranking on a Google search, the more traffic you’ll receive and the more your firm can grow. 

Although explaining optimization in this way might seem as easy as A – B – C, the reality is that growing your online traffic is a tedious process, one that cannot happen overnight. Google has created a complex algorithm with numerous variables to determine which businesses to rank and when. In particular, reviews are one of the most coveted metrics that the algorithm uses to rank a business profile. Although Google does not release exactly which variable is weighted more than the other, we do understand there are several key factors that dramatically affect a business’s local SEO ranking. 

A Search engine’s rank algorithm is like a set of weights and balances!

What does this mean? It means that if your Google Business Profile (GBP) has 1,000 5 star reviews but nothing else is optimized on your website, your GBP efforts could be in vain. Although GBP is not the end all be all, it is a large component in the ranking game! 

Other SEO factors that will affect your website’s ranking:

  • High-quality content
  • Mobile optimization
  • Page Experience and user-friendliness
  • Page speed
  • On-page optimization
  • Internal links and external link optimization

The Basics of Google Business Profile

It’s rare nowadays to hear of any local business that doesn’t have a Google Business Profile. It’s used by millions and for good reason. Google is by far the most trusted and used search engine. When you’re looking for anything nearby you will most likely check it’s location, phone number, hours, and reviews, through Google. We’ve written articles about Google Business Profile before and how it’s crucial for your law firm. Essentially, on your GBP your customers can see your basic information, your reviews, the services and products you offer, and any updates or posts you make. It’s also important to realize that this tool is connected to Google’s newest advertisement service, that’s made for local businesses, Local Services Ads. Whether or not your law firm needs Local Services Ads through Google is something that you need to consider acutely. 

How your firm can push for more reviews

We’ve established that reviews are an important factor not just for Google but for your potential clients. Over ⅓ of people look online for a lawyer and almost everyone goes online to look for legal advice. Reviews build credibility both with users and with Google. Therefore, the more reviews the better attention you gain with Google and your potential clientele! 

The most efficient way to get reviews is to make a system out of the process. Don’t leave getting a review up to chance. You can provide stellar, personalized, and attentive legal representation to a client and they might not leave a review unless you put that action top-of-mind by politely asking for the review. 

Did you know you can generate a link from your GMB profile to send to your clients via email or text message? This link will take your clients directly to the page to leave a review. Taking out the guesswork or opportunity for your client to forget or leave a review on the wrong account. Additionally, you can even add the link as a QR code to all of your marketing efforts.

Not sure how to grow your firm’s online presence?

A firm’s reviews are one of the differences between a client choosing your firm or choosing a competitor. Reviews can tell the story and paint a picture of your firm’s strengths as an attorney and as someone who can make a difference in a client’s life. THIS is the power a 5-star review can have for your law firm! 

Not sure where to start? We’ve got you covered. Our agency focuses exclusively on helping lawyers and law firms grow their firm. Give us a call at (786) 505-2667 or click here to schedule a consultation.