3 Steps to grow your Law Firm’s Local SEO Presence

A Digital Presence is an essential part of a law firm’s growth strategy. It has become a matter-of-fact that attracting clients depends on a Law Firm’s attractiveness online. But how do you target the client’s most likely to hire your law firm? Through local, law specific, SEO. Allow us to explain!

Three steps you can use to boost your Law Firm’s local presence:

#1. Optimize your local Google My Business page

Taking control of your Law Firm’s online presence means designing and launching a well-made website, engaging and promoting your firm’s talents on social media and creating and managing your Business Profile on Google through your Google My Business page. A local business profile is what a Google search shows when searching, for example, “Personal Injury lawyer near me.” Setting up and optimizing a Google My Business profile is an extremely important aspect of increasing your SEO presence. This powerful tool helps your Law Firm tackle one of the important aspects of gaining new clients, location. Google My Business also allows you to essentially “put a face” to your law firm. A Business Profile lets you set up a description of your Law Firm’s practice (this is a great way to include SEO specific keywords). It allows you to link your website, phone number, and address, which could increase the volume of people contacting your firm. Additionally, Google My Business provides an opportunity to post images of your building (inside and out). All in an effort to build up your Local SEO rankings and in turn increasing your Law Firm’s ability to attract clients.

#2. Build your local SEO reputation

You’ve set up and gained control of your Business Profile through Google My Business. Great! What comes next?

Building your Local SEO reputation!

Ranking your business on Google is a complex process. You want your website or Business profile to come up first on a potential client’s search. Optimizing your presence on Google through a Local SEO approach can help tremendously with your rankings. Your rankings on Google are determined by a few factors, both on-page (within your website) and off-page (relating externally to your website). All in all, these factors include your keyword optimization, URL optimization, landing page optimization, content optimization, and the quality of these combined. You might be asking yourself, what does this have to do with local SEO optimization? Local SEO rankings deal with reputation and reputation in the legal profession is king. Clients weigh in reviews and recommendations heavily when looking for representation from a Law Firm. Your Law Firm’s business profile online gives you the opportunity to build that reputation through Google Reviews, Facebook reviews, Yelp reviews, and backlinks. The need for quality reviews is not just beneficial for potential clients choosing their representation, it’s also the way Google’s algorithm ranks your local business. The more reviews and the quality of reviews helps you rank higher. It’s always important to highlight your wins!

#3. Website Consistency

Getting a potential client to your front page or landing page is a monumental step in convincing that client to hire your Law Firm. This is where your consistency matters, especially when trying to tailor your firm’s online presence to your local area. The consistency of your information online matters not just to potential clients but, like reviews, it also helps online algorithms with their rankings. One key aspect, or should I say three, is NAP. NAP is your Name, Address, and Phone Number. Consistency of these three factors is essential for your web page and its connectivity to your other online and social factors. Consistency in your website and online helps with establishing your EAT. This, another fun acronym to take note of, stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. These two factors are what takes a client from potential to represented.

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