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ToggleLinkedIn for Law Firms: What you should know.
There is no better place to connect with professionals and like minded individuals like we can connect using LinkedIn. Although LinkedIn may not compete with Facebook and Instagram, in terms of active monthly users, LinkedIn continues to meet a need in the marketplace.
When you understand the way in which your law firm can best utilize the ‘professionals platform’, we believe you too will understand its value and begin to implement LinkedIn Networking Practices into your monthly marketing plan.
Why do you need a LinkedIn?
LinkedIn and other social media networks are important for business promotion, including law firms both big and small. LinkedIn is one of the many tools that can be used to grow your firms online presence.Â
LinkedIn was made for business networking. Referrals are one of the top ways that individuals look for reputable attorneys and law firms. Building your professional network on LinkedIn should thus be a priority for your firm. This way other attorneys in your area can also refer potential clients directly to your firm.
Referrals is a two-way street, meaning, you can provide a platform for potentials clients to lean more about you and your firm as well as find other attorneys to learn about you and your skill set.
LinkedIn can also pay dividends in increasing your ranking through Google. Since LinkedIn is a professional network, building your image on LinkedIn can help attract other people in law and they can then promote your posts. All in an effort to increase your Google ranking!
Using all available digital tools at your disposal is essential is growing your online presence. Having a functioning website, a Google My Business account, and using social media to your advantage. Posting every day on every social media platform is not necessary, but using a business and networking platform like LinkedIn is something to seriously consider. Potential clients see LinkedIn when they research attorneys to represent them and having a profile vs not having a profile might be the deciding factor for a client.Â
How do you connect on LinkedIn?
   1. Groups
Networking, as we have stated above, is the key to LinkedIn. This platform offers everything that the conventional seminar, lecture, or convention offers, but it’s all online so the efficiency is increased. Instead of traveling to physically shake hands with peers, LinkedIn has connected professional networks digitally. Of course, it has not replaced face-to-face meetings, and it probably will not, but it has allowed for easier connections (especially during the current COVID pandemic). When creating your LinkedIn profile, or if you hire a firm like Green Cardigan Marketing to help with your LinkedIn management, you should look to join groups in your industry, location, and specialty.Â
   2. Posts
One of the benefits of hiring a legal marketing firm like Green Cardigan Marketing is that content creating can be taken off of your hands. Nonetheless, having a brand image, a clear purpose, and knowledge of your market, are the keys to posting online. Understanding these factors and more is what’s necessary to driving online traffic and establishing your firm’s presence. A successful law firm or professional business will most likely optimize all three.Â
   3. Sharing
Social Media is all about sharing and connecting you to the world around you. Understanding in-depth when to post, how to post, and who to post to is a different story. Something all attorneys understand is the value in a first impression. Building your profile, experience, and abilities on your profile should be viewed as important as a first impression. Linking with your network is important, not just to show your work, but also because it allows for feedback and connections. Sharing is as much about what your firm posts and how you connect with other firms and clients.Â
When should you make a LinkedIn?
The best time is now! LinkedIn is growing every day and its networking abilities are widespread. LinkedIn has connected many of the world’s professionals and continue to do so daily!Â
Want to know more about the ‘most trusted social network‘?
Here’s a few (38 to be exact) statistics to help you better grasp LinkedIn in 2021!Â
Green Cardigan Marketing has years of experience growing Law Firms’ online and social presence. We are experts at building your brand and showcasing your talents to the legal community and potential clients. If you have any questions regarding LinkedIn marketing or need a free marketing review we’re here to help!